This organization is a great resource - especially if you are an adult wondering if you have Autism. They have numerous resources, and appear to have a solid portion of their leadership who are ASD or otherwise neurodivergent.
A local practice who has many resources, including support groups for Autistic adults.
This book has revolutionized my understanding of "Paradoxical Demand Avoidance". It talks about how the brain structure called the Habenula keeps you from doing things when you believe failure has happened, will happen, is happening.
This Book (
is written by a reporter, and is superb in outlining how the nuerodivergent mind is different, not disordered.
If you think counseling is a bit more than what you need, but you would like to learn the principles involved in healthy communication in neurodiverse relationships - you might consider an online course instead. I have created Spark and Sage Insight, LLC to create and distribute such courses online. Currently under development a course specifically designed as a communication guide for neurodiverse couples. These courses are NOT a replacement for counseling, but can increase your knowledge and understanding. Click below for more information, and to be added to a mailing list if you are interested in when the course will be available for purchase.
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